Dr. Alex Harrison Parker

Research scientist in planetary astronomy at the Southwest Research Institute, supporting NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto, and developing the post-Pluto mission into the Kuiper Belt. Expert in the dynamics of binary minor planets, detection and characterization of trans-Neptunian objects, and the origin of the architecture of our Solar System.

Conceptual illustration of a flyby of Kuiper Belt Object PT1 by NASA's New Horizons in late 2018. 

Conceptual illustration of a flyby of Kuiper Belt Object PT1 by NASA's New Horizons in late 2018. 

Logo designs for "Astronomy on Tap" events.

Logo designs for "Astronomy on Tap" events.

Hubble Space Telescope / Van Gogh's "Starry Night" mosaic.

New Horizons in the Pluto system.

New Horizons in the Pluto system.

Spitzer Space Telescope / Van Gogh's "Road with Cypress and Star" mosaic.

Juno entering the Jupiter system.

Juno entering the Jupiter system.

 Jupiter rising over Europa.

 Jupiter rising over Europa.

Site content copyright Alex H. Parker, 2009-2021.